Posted at 12:21 PM in D6 Family, Free Will Baptist, Innovation/Creativity, Leadership, Videos | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Well, my 5 days as Regional Coordinator for Go10 Walk has come to an end. Kudos to my 5 Day Coordinators: Darrell Renfro, Daniel Renfro, Matt Lappin, Josh Ham and Troy Beringer - you guys did an amazing job! Thanks for all your hard work!
Also, let me give a shout-out to our Illinois FWB churches, you guys showed up in an amazing way! Thanks to all of you who participated in Go10 during the last 5 days.
One last thanks to Joe Wilson, Bill Ezell, and Jim Daniels - the Go10 team traveling the country - you guys are amazing! Keep it up and stay strong.
Now, I'm headed home to my family!
Blog posted here.
Posted at 08:23 PM in Evangelism, Free Will Baptist | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Well, I did it! I walked the last segment of Day 61 of the Go10 Walk for the World. Immediately after my 10 mile walk Go10 Project Manager, Joe Wilson stood in front of me with a video camera and asked for my thoughts concerning this walk and how I felt. For one of the first times in my life I was speechless. There were many reasons why: walking 10 miles, heat exhaustion, fatigue, not to mention my mind was flooded with thoughts concerning this huge endeavor for Free Will Baptist called the Go10 Walk.
Therefore, in this post I would like to answer Joe's question, "Jon, as the Regional Coordinator for Go10, after working with the first two 10 mile segments in a support vehicle, and now after actually having walked a 10 mile segment, what does this mean to you and what are your thoughts?"
Well Joe, and others who may be curious to the answer to the question, I will attempt to share my thoughts.
The first thought which kept running through my mind is, "Why are we doing this? Why am I doing this? Why did I just challenge myself physically to walk 10 miles?"
Why 2,500 miles? Laura Belle Barnard traveled nearly 10,000 miles on her entire journey to India! Since the walk calls for at least four participants to walk each 10-mile segment, the total miles walked will be a symbolic equivalent of her sacrificial journey to the people of India (2,500 x 4 = 10,000).
As I was walking, my mind kept racing back to what I have read of Laura Belle Barnard. I kept thinking of the sacrifice she made, and was willing to make, just to carry the Gospel to the people of South India. How she, in the dark, walking out on Pier 58 in New York City, climbed a rope ladder to board a cargo ship only to discover she was on the wrong ship. She then climbed back down, picked up her luggage and proceeded to the next cargo ship. While still in the dark, she climbed another rope ladder to board another ship to discover this was the one sailing to India. She then gathered her luggage on board and set sail to share the wonderful story of Christ with a people in which she did not know, in a land which was not her own.
As I was walking this portion of Laura Belle's life kept flooding my mind. I told myself, if Laura Belle had that much determination and was willing to sacrifice everything to share the love of Christ with the people of India, then surely I could and must walk this 10 mile segment!
The second thought which came to my mind was the Tamil Bible I carried.
Tamil is the language of the people of South India. This Bible you see pictured has been carried every mile thus far, and will be carried for the entire 2500 mile walk. I thought that was amazing!
As I was carrying the Bible during my segment of the walk there were a couple thoughts racing through my mind:
1. The Tamil language. As I was walking, I opened and browsed through the pages of this Bible. Then I thought about Laura Belle. She had to learn to speak and read this new language in order to share Christ. I thought of the countless hours she must have spent just learning this new language; the many prayers she must have prayed asking the Lord to help her with this new language.
Then, I imagined Laura Belle opening a Tamil Bible, just like this one, and sharing the wonderful stories of our great God. Oh, the sacrifices, commitment, and dedication Laura Belle made just to be a faithful servant of Christ.
As I was carrying the Tamil Bible, I prayed and asked the Lord to help me be that sacrificial, committed, and dedicated servant of His. I must tell you, it was a very spiritually moving time for me.
2. Then I thought about all the Go10 participants which have actually carried the same Tamil Bible I was carrying. As I was walking, carrying this Bible, I began to wonder, "What did they experience while carrying this same Bible in the Go10 Walk? Why were they even walking? What personal struggles are they facing? What spiritual experience did they have? How did it impact their life? What will change for them as a result of carrying this Bible?" Therefore, while carrying the Tamil Bible during my walk I entered into a season of intercessory prayer for those individuals.
Another thought that came to my mind was the vision of our International Missions Director, James Forlines.Wow! What a great visionary! As I walked I spent time praying for Brother James and thinking about the passage of Scripture in Proverbs 29:18 "Where there is no vision, the people perish." James has tremendous vision and passion. As a Free Will Baptist minister I have never been more proud of our denomination as I am today. As I thought of the International Missions Department and what they (we) have going on this summer: Go10 Walk, E-Teams literally around the world serving, and many more ministry projects, it lifted my spirits. Thank you Brother James for having great vision and being a great leader!
As participants of the Go10 Walk we are given prayer cards for our missionaries and are encouraged to pray for them while we walk. I spent some time interceding for a missionary couple, whose name I'm not free to share because they are serving in a very dangerous part of the world. Once again this was a blessing to partner with them in prayer ministry.
Another thought I had was of the dedicated workers like Joe Wilson, Jim Daniels, Bill Ezell, the Regional and Day Coordinators, and hundreds of others working together.
As I was walking - especially as they would pass by in their support vehicles, pull off on the side of the road a little ahead of us, then cheer us on as we walked by - I thought of Joe, Jim, and Bill doing this everyday, except Sunday since April! Guys, I commend you! You have done and are doing a great job. So, as I was walking I prayed for them individually. I know they miss their families and their families miss them. Guys once again, thank you!
Then I thought of all the Go10 Regional Coordinators. I could picture them in my mind as we sat around U-shaped tables in Nashville, TN for Go10 training last fall. I thought of the challenges each of them have had in their particular areas. I thought of the RC's yet to be involved. Then I spent some time praying for them. Thanks to the RC's of Go10!
Then my mind went to my Day Coordinator, Darrell Renfro and his wife Linda. Now Darrell not only was a DC for the day, but he also walked the last segment with me. I watched throughout the day as they worked with the walkers of Go10. They shuttled people, water, Gatorade, ice-soaked towels, snacks and gave smiles and encouragement as each walker passed by. Therefore, as I was walking I prayed for Darrell and Linda, and I also prayed for my other Day Coordinators: Daniel Renfro, Matt Lappin, Josh Ham, and Troy Beringer. Thanks guys for all you have done and are doing!
I believe the Go10 Walk for the World project is a great example of what we as FWB can accomplish IF we would all work together. It troubles me so very much to see all the "little, non-essentials" divide us into this group, that group and the other. May the Lord speak to our hearts and lead us toward standing shoulder-to-shoulder, side-by-side, heart-to-heart, servant-to-servant, brother-to-brother, and sister-to-sister as we serve our Lord together as a Free Will Baptist Denomination.
Well, Joe, these are just a few of my thoughts after walking my 10 mile segment. I wish I could have just said all this immediately after my walk, while the camera was in my face, but all I could say at that time was, "It's long!"
Posted at 10:53 AM in Evangelism, Free Will Baptist, Ministry | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Pictured is my daughter, Kristen pointing to Ribeirao Preto, Brazil. She is traveling there with the Free Will Baptist E-Team.
Her mother and I left her on Tuesday at the Free Will Baptist Bible College for a week of training. She will then be in Brazil until the end of June. We are anticipating the Lord to do great things in her life!
Free Will Baptist have had a ministry presence in Brazil since the mid 1950's when pioneer missionary Thomas Willey visited Brazil. His findings prompted the FWB Board of Foreign Missions to send missionaries to share the good news with Brazilians.
Click here to read the history of FWB ministering in Brazil.Posted at 11:58 AM in Cannon Family, D6 Family, Free Will Baptist, Missions | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 11:06 AM in D6 Family, Discipleship, Free Will Baptist, Leadership, Videos | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I recently began a new ministry called "PRIORITIES MATTER MINISTRIES (PMM)."
I am a Free Will Baptist pastor and former church planter, and one of my greatest desires is to be an encouragement to the local church pastor and congregation. The purpose of PMM is to first and foremost assist the local church in fulfilling their God-given mission.
Through PMM, I am able to come along side the local church and minister in a variety of ways:
If you have questions about this ministry please email me; I would love to correspond with you about ways I can serve you and your church.
May God richly bless you and your ministry!
Posted at 07:35 AM in Free Will Baptist, Leadership, Ministry, Priorities Matter Ministries | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Join me in giving up two "Venti Peppermint Mocha Latte's" (or whatever you favorite coffee may be) in order to give $10.00 to help spread the Gospel to the unreached people groups around the world!
Go10 Walk for the World is an invitation to young people to experience a life-changing commitment to missions through a 2,500-mile walk for the world. Each walker is raising $500.00 for the purpose of spreading the Gospel. An anonymous donor has pledged to match all monies raised through this walk—up to $500,000. Therefore, this walk provides an opportunity to raise over $1,000,000... that’s one million dollars!... to share the Gospel with those who have never heard it.
I am going to walk in this event and I would love for you to sponsor me! Just click here and it will take you to my Go10 Walk website and you can give online.Thanks for assisting me in spreading the Gospel! Click here to learn more about Go10 Walk for the World.
Posted at 11:38 AM in Evangelism, Free Will Baptist, Missions, Victory Church News/Events | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Go10 Walk for the World is a challenge to young people to consider their role in reaching the nations with the gospel in their generation.
The year 2010 is the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of FWBIM’s modern missions program. Laura Belle Barnard was sent out as our first missionary to India in 1935.
To commemorate this event, we are challenging Free Will Baptist young people to a life-changing commitment. They commit to walk a 10-mile segment of a 2,500-mile course. Teens will also commit to a 40-day prayer and devotional journey in preparation for the walk.
Would you like to participate in this walk? If so, click here.
Maybe you cannot walk, so why not prayerfully consider sponsoring me in the walk to reach the world - click here to make a donation.Thanks for all you do to assist us in this endeavor. Please keep Go10 Walk as a top priority on your prayer list!
Posted at 10:59 PM in Evangelism, Free Will Baptist, Missions, Victory Church News/Events, Videos | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
My daughter, Kristen Cannon has recently been selected to serve on the Free Will Baptist E-Team to Brazil in June 2010! She is very excited and grateful for this opportunity to serve on the mission field.
Free Will Baptist have had a ministry presence in Brazil since the mid 1950's when pioneer missionary Thomas Willey visited Brazil. His
findings prompted the FWB Board of Foreign Missions to send missionaries to
share the good news with Brazilians.
Kristen will be traveling with seven other high school students to Brazil. They will begin with a week of training at the Free Will Baptist Bible College in Nashville, Tennessee, then travel to Ribeirão Preto, Brazil for two weeks of ministry.
Kristen needs to raise $2,990.00 to go on this trip. We are working now to get her scheduled in as many churches as possible to share about her opportunity and ask for a prayerful and financial partnership.
If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution to her account, please contact the Victory Church office 618.622.9360. Please keep Kristen in your prayers. Thanks and God bless!
Click here to read the history of FWB in Brazil.Posted at 11:03 AM in Cannon Family, Evangelism, Free Will Baptist, Missions, Victory Church News/Events | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Make plans now to experience a life-changing commitment to missions through a three month (April - July 2010), 2500 mile walk for the world!
What is the Go10Walk? The purpose is to challenge young people to consider their role in reaching the nations with the Gospel in their generation. The year 2010 is the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Free Will Baptist missions program. Laura Belle Barnard was sent out as our first missionary to India in 1935.
To commemorate this event, we are challenging Free Will Baptist young people to a life-changing commitment. They will be asked to commit to walk a 10-mile segment of a 2,500-mile course. Teens will also commit to a 40-day prayer and devotional journey in preparation for the walk.
Go to the Go10 website and pick your day to walk! For more information click here.
Posted at 12:07 AM in Evangelism, Family, Free Will Baptist, Innovation/Creativity, Missions | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I am a Free Will Baptist pastor and former church planter, and one of my greatest desires is to be an encouragement to the local church pastor and congregation. The purpose of PMM is to first and foremost assist the local church in fulfilling their God-given mission.
Through PMM, I am able to come along side the local church and minister in a variety of ways:
To learn more about me personally and PMM, please take time to visit
If you have questions about this ministry please give me a call; I would love to speak with you about ways we can serve you and your church. I am scheduling now into 2010, but I do have some openings for the remainder of 2009.
Just contact me and I would be thrilled to travel and speak in whatever venue you feel is needed. May God richly bless you and your ministry!
Posted at 10:21 PM in Free Will Baptist, Innovation/Creativity, Leadership, Marriage, Men's Ministry, Pastors | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Click here to learn more about this leadership seminar. Also, register before October 15th to take advantage of the Early Bird special! With six or more registered the Senior Pastor attends free!
If you have any questions, please feel free to email them to me; I will respond ASAP.
Posted at 11:36 AM in Current Events, Free Will Baptist, Innovation/Creativity, Leadership, Ministry, Pastors | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
This week's D6 family theme is "justice."
Today's Fusion fact: "It is unjust to oppress the poor."
Today's Scripture reference: Luke 20:45-47; James 5:1-7
An added thought on justice:
Justice is doing what is right for another person, or ensuring that what is right takes place. The Old Testament prophets spoke much about the need for justice, and Israel and Judah were both criticized for not treating widows and orphans justly. The prophet Micah gave this prescription for right living: "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God" (Micah 6:8, niv).
In a stricter sense, justice means giving a person what he deserves as a result of his actions. Scripture is very clear that "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God," and that "the wages of sin is death." According to God's justice, all people deserve damnation.
Thankfully, God provided a way of atonement for those who believe.
Posted at 10:45 AM in D6 Family, Devotions, Discipleship, Free Will Baptist | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Come on, let's keep connecting the church and home!
Almost 1,350 people have registered for the D6 Conference , September 23-25, 2009 in Dallas, Texas. The exciting to thing to know is there are more and more groups registering each day.
To make it as easy as possible on those who missed all of the early bird opportunities, the D6 Conference would like to extend a promotion to everyone who has not yet registered. This will help you save a little extra.In order to take advantage of this offer, do the following:
Posted at 10:54 AM in D6 Bible Study, Discipleship, Family, Free Will Baptist, Leadership, Pastors, Victory Church News/Events | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
This Sunday's D6 Family Theme is FAITHFULNESS. The text passage of Scripture is Hebrews 6:1-12 from which I will be preaching tomorrow.
I have been mediating on this passage of Scripture all week. I have spent time praying over it, reading a variety of commentaries on it, wrestling with it, and doing word studies through the passage. I'm mentally exhausted, but spiritually revived!
Let me explain. I was raised Southern Baptist, educated at an Independent Baptist College, and ordained a Free Will Baptist. Twenty years ago when I felt the Lord calling me into ministry I had to make a decision on which denomination I was going to spend the rest of my life serving. Yes, you guessed it! It all came down to this passage of Scripture and others like it.
Well, I made my choice. I could not reason away what I was discovering in this particular passage, therefore, I identified with the Armenian group, the Free Will Baptist. And with no regrets I might add!
I was reading this week in the Randall House Commentary by Dr. Stanley Outlaw. Dr Outlaw shares seven different views on Hebrews 6:1-6:
(The seventh view is the one I seem to believe fits the best within the context of the Scripture. Therefore, this is the view for which I adhere.)
Many have asked me through the years about the "unpardonable sin" the sin of unbelief, the sin against the Holy Spirit.
I believe the sin against the Holy Spirit can be committed by both unsaved people - who constantly and willfully reject the obvious truth of the Gospel, and by saved people who also constantly and willfully turn their back on Christ to the point of final apostasy.
One final thought: You may be wondering if you have committed apostasy. Well, just the fact you are questioning, pondering, and thinking about your relationship with God is a sure sign you have not committed apostasy. Once you do, there is no coming back. Whey? Because those who commit apostasy:
Apostasy is a willful decision, and a deliberate choice, an abandonment to the things of God which are made with your own conscious.
Posted at 08:46 AM in D6 Bible Study, Devotions, Discipleship, Free Will Baptist, Victory Church News/Events | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
After several weeks of work, it is ready!
I just launched the new Victory Church website. It's not 100% complete, but it is up and functioning. I've got several more pages to add so be sure to check back soon. Until then, go ahead and check it out, then let me know what you think! (click here)
Posted at 10:37 PM in Free Will Baptist, Technology, Victory Church News/Events | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Just give a quick reminder that the August 4 price break for the D6 Conference is quickly approaching. If you register on or before next Tuesday (August 4), it will be your last change to SAVE BIG for the D6 Conference.
Don't forget to go and check out the new Main Event speaker topics that have recently been added, as well as the PreCon Lab Schedule, topics, topic descriptions, and bios of the Lab presenters. (Click here for D6 Conference website.)
D6 Conference Promo (Long Version) from D6 Conference on Vimeo.
Posted at 09:44 AM in D6 Bible Study, Family, Free Will Baptist, Leadership, Pastors | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
After a season of prayer, I feel the Lord has led me to begin a new ministry called "PRIORITIES MATTER MINISTRIES (PMM)."
I am a Free Will Baptist pastor and former church planter, and one of my greatest desires is to be an encouragement to the local church pastor and congregation. The purpose of PMM is to first and foremost assist the local church in fulfilling their God-given mission.
Through PMM, I am able to come along side the local church and minister in a variety of ways:
To learn more about me personally and PMM, please take time to visit my webpage at
If you have questions about this ministry please give me a call; I would love to speak with you about ways we can serve you and your church. I am scheduling now into 2010, but I do have some openings for the remainder of 2009.
Just contact me and I would be thrilled to travel and speak in whatever venue you feel is needed. May God richly bless you and your ministry!
Posted at 12:58 PM in Discipleship, Evangelism, Free Will Baptist, Leadership, Marriage, Men's Ministry, Missions, Pastors, Student Ministry, Victory Church News/Events, Women's Ministry | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I would like to invite you to our "Strengthening His Church Leadership Seminar" which Priorities Matter Ministries and I will be conducting at the Gateway Convention Center in Hickory, NC on November 13-14, 2009. Bring your entire church leadership team!
Click here to learn more about this leadership seminar. Also, register before October 15th to take advantage of the Early Bird special! With six or more registered the Senior Pastor attends free!
If you have any questions, please feel free to email them to me; I will respond ASAP.
Posted at 10:29 AM in Free Will Baptist, Leadership, Ministry | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
D6 Conference Promo (Long Version) from D6 Conference on Vimeo.
It’s time to take a different look at the way we minister to children, students, and families in the church. Research shows that the kids who grow up to be spiritual champions most often have parent(s) in the home who make a considerable contribution to their spiritual influence. Unfortunately far too many parents rely on the church to be responsible for the spiritual development of their kids. According to D6 (Deuteronomy 6:5-7) this is the job of dad and mom.The D6 Conference will equip leaders with the tools and ideas they need to influence the parents in their church to be responsible for leading their kids spiritually. There is no other ministry of the Church that is more important than ministering to children. At any cost, we must equip dad and mom to connect with their kids spiritually in the home.
Posted at 08:59 AM in Discipleship, Family, Free Will Baptist, Innovation/Creativity, Leadership, Pastors, Student Ministry, Victory Church News/Events, Videos | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
The date for the D6 Conference in Dallas, TX is quickly coming upon us! September 23rd will be here before you know it; and you will be beating yourself up if you miss this conference!
Also, if you register before Father's Day, June 22nd, you will get a $15.00 discount and a free D6 t-shirt.
Just click here and enter this Father's Day special discount code D6DAD when you register.
It's going to be a great event. I hope to see you there! Also, if you register as a result of reading this blog, be sure to shoot me an email. I would love to hear from you!
Once again, here's the discount code: D6DAD
Posted at 04:18 PM in Current Events, Discipleship, Free Will Baptist, Innovation/Creativity, Leadership, Victory Church News/Events | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I would like to officially welcome my good friend, Pastor Reuben Cason to the blog-a-sphere! Pastor Cason is currently serving as the Senior Pastor of White Oak Free Will Baptist Church in Bailey, NC.
Welcome Brother Reuben! Click here to check out his new blog!
Posted at 09:04 AM in Current Events, Free Will Baptist, Pastors, Technology | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Victory Church has just purchased 20.7 acres of land on Scott-Troy Road and Hwy 50 in O'Fallon, Illinois. I just got a report last week that 28,000 cars drive by our property everyday! That number is staggering!
Currently we are having our weekend worship service at Moye Elementary School in O'Fallon, IL. We also rent office space for our administrative offices. We desperately need to get our first building on the new property.
Will you prayerfully consider making a donation of any size to the Victory Church Land Reduction Fund? As soon as we pay down the debt on the land, we can then pursue with the plans of construction of our first building.
If you would like to speak with me more about this, please email me at [email protected] and I will be more than glad to share with you what God is doing through the ministry of Victory Church.
God bless you and thanks for furthering God's Kingdom!
Posted at 09:10 AM in Current Events, Finances, Free Will Baptist, Missions, Victory Church News/Events | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Today, 12 November 2008, Carlos Castro met with the Metro-East District Association Credentials Committee of the Illinois Free Will Baptist and was licensed as a Free Will Baptist Minister!
Carlos has been a very vital part of the ministry of Victory Church for more than four years. He now feels the Lord is leading him to be a pastor to the Hispanic people. Carlos is the key person in launching Victory Church's Hispanic Ministry. He will begin his studies to prepare for ordination as a Free Will Baptist Pastor.
Carlos has served our country for four years in the U.S. Air Force and is currently employed at Scott Air Force Base. He has now devoted the rest of his life to serve in the Lord's Army!
I am very proud of Carlos! Why not shoot him an email and let him know you are proud of him and that you are praying for him?
For those looking for a Spanish speaking ministry in the Metro-East of St. Louis contact us!
Posted at 06:20 PM in Current Events, Free Will Baptist, Ministry, Pastors, Victory Church News/Events | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
This week our D6 family biblical theme at Victory Church is "joy." We are collectively studying together Philippians 4:4-23. Here is the study outline from the CLEAR curriculum:
1. Rejoice! It is God's command (Phil. 4:4-5)
2. Rejoice with a transformed attitude (Phil. 4:6-9)
3. Rejoice regardless of the circumstances (Phil. 4:10-14)
4. Rejoice in the rewards of helping others (Phil. 4:15-17)
5. Rejoice! As you give help to others, God will supply your needs. (Phil. 4:18-23)
Posted at 09:25 AM in D6 Bible Study, Devotions, Discipleship, Free Will Baptist, Victory Church News/Events | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
This saying is trustworthy: “If anyone aspires to be an overseer, he desires a noble work.” 1 Timothy 3:1 (HCSB)
Last Tuesday evening here at the Victory Church offices, the credentials committee from the Metro-East District Association of the Illinois Free Will Baptist met with and licensed two men from Victory Church into the ministry as Free Will Baptist ministers.
Below is a small bio of each of these men, please pray for them as they prepare themselves for ordination.
Brad Range has just surrendered to full time Christian service in the area of youth ministry. Brad is also married to Teri Schmidt and they live in O'Fallon, IL. He will become a full-time student at Missouri Baptist University in January 2009 and pursue a degree in pastoral ministry. Brad currently works with the Jr. and Sr. High student ministry here at Victory Church. He is also very active as a sound technician in the weekend services of Victory. Click here and send Brad an email of encouragement and let him know you are praying for him!
Paul Boyer has also surrender to the call of God on his life as a Free Will Baptist minister of the Gospel. Paul has been blessed to have been married to his wife Mayron for 32 years! They have two children five grand children. Paul retired from the U.S. Coast Guard after serving for 20+ years! He is finishing up his theology degree at St. Louis Christian College. Paul is an ordained deacon here at Victory Church and currently leads Victory's mens ministry. Click here and send Paul an email of encouragement and let him know you are praying for him!
Both of these men have been licensed as Free Will Baptist ministers and are in the process of becoming ordained. May God bless them both as they follow the leadership of the Lord in their life!
Posted at 09:44 AM in Current Events, Free Will Baptist, Ministry, Pastors, Victory Church News/Events | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
After observing churches that have effectively used Sunday school in a strategic way, Ken Hemphill shares with us the top ten practices. Practice #2: "Organize with Purpose."
As pastors and church leaders, we must organize our Sunday school ministry to accomplish the objectives of leading people to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and building on-mission Christians by...
Feel free to leave any thoughts or comments on this subject; and be sure to check back soon as I post the remaining eight practices.
Posted at 09:25 AM in Book Review, D6 Bible Study, Free Will Baptist, Leadership | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Our D6 family theme yesterday at Victory Church was "missions". Every Sunday school class studied the life of the Apostle Paul in Acts 24-26; we then gathered in the auditorium and I shared a message titled: WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE A WITNESS FOR CHRIST? Below is my sermon outline:
Memory Verse: Acts 24:16 (HCSB) I always do my best to have a clear conscience toward God and men.
In our Sunday school lesson this week we discovered through the life of Paul that…WHEN GOD CALLS, HE PROVIDES!
1. God uses unusual circumstances to make missionaries of us. (Acts 24)
2. Even false accusations may open doors to witness for Christ. (Acts 25)
3. Your personal testimony is a powerful tool that will create interest in others. (Acts 26)
QUESTION: Have you ever wondered why, when God saved you, he left you on the earth? If God had wanted to, he could have taken you directly to Heaven the moment you trusted Christ as Savior. But he didn't, which means that he left you on the earth for a particular purpose.
William Arnot, a distinguished Scottish pastor in the last century, put the matter this way: "To every true Christian these two things may be said: you have need of Christ and Christ has need of you." He then adds this thought: "The simple fact that a Christian is on earth and not in heaven, is proof that there is something for him here to do; and if he is not doing it, the neglect shows either that he is not yet a Christian or that he is a Christian who grieves Christ."
Acts 1:8 (HCSB) But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
Now, when Jesus told this to his followers, do you know where they were? They were in Jerusalem. So here's the point. He is saying:
Acts 1:8 emphasizes two things we need to know: 1) The Holy Spirit empowers disciples, and 2) Spirit-filled disciples witness about Jesus around the world.
Jesus said, "You will be my witnesses." What did he mean? In its basic sense it means to declare the truth to another person. What is a witness? A witness is somebody who just tells what he knows, and what he has experienced or what has happened to them.
Posted at 09:10 AM in D6 Bible Study, Discipleship, Free Will Baptist, Victory Church News/Events | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
After observing churches that have effectively used Sunday school in a strategic way, Ken Hemphill shares with us the top ten practices. Practice #1: "Commit to the Strategy!"
As pastors and church leaders, we must commit to Sunday school as the foundational strategy in our church for doing the work of the Great Commission.
Below are some suggestions:
Feel free to leave any thoughts or comments on this subject; and be sure to check back soon as I post the remaining nine practices.
Posted at 09:13 AM in Book Review, D6 Bible Study, Discipleship, Free Will Baptist | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Over the last year the Lord has really be dealing with me concerning the ministry of Sunday school. Therefore, at Victory Church we have rediscovered and reimplemented the ministry of Sunday school. During the next several weeks I will be sharing with you some of the pros and cons of Sunday school. I am currently reading a book titled Ten Best Practices To Make Your Sunday School Work by Ken Hemphill and Bill Taylor.
In this first post I will introduce you to the the "10 Best Practices of Sunday School" as suggested in the book, then I will share them with you in individual posts.
How is Sunday school working for you in your church? Please feel free to leave your comments, I'm
interested in how things are going in your Sunday school.
Are you a Sunday school teacher? If so, please give me some feedback on how Sunday school is working for you!
Are you a student (any age) in Sunday school? If so, please leave your comments as well!
Posted at 01:56 PM in Book Review, Current Events, D6 Bible Study, Free Will Baptist, Victory Church News/Events | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
A Splink is a SIMPLE way to LINK your family together spiritually.
It’s a FREE weekly email packed with ideas to help connect your family. Splinks are creative ways of interacting with your children with family devotional starters and ideas for family time. Splinks can also help you use teachable moments to pass along spiritual truths and life lessons while making memories or just having fun together. No matter where you are, it can always be time for a Splink!
Sign up now to have the weekly Splink emailed straight into your inbox. What are you waiting for? Get Splinking!
Posted at 02:57 PM in D6 Bible Study, Devotions, Discipleship, Family, Free Will Baptist, Victory Church News/Events | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Below is a video I used in our D6 Sunday School Teachers Training Seminar last evening. (It's in Japanese, but I think you will get the point!)
This is an example of how we DO NOT want to kink the ball in our Sunday school ministry. I shared how many churches show up every Sunday and just go through the motions, trying to "kick the ball." I then shared how that is NOT what we desire to do in the one hour we have to impact our student's life with God's Word.
There are many lessons to be seen in this video. Enjoy! Feel free to leave a comment; I'm interested in your thoughts.
Posted at 12:10 PM in Current Events, D6 Bible Study, Free Will Baptist, Leadership, Victory Church News/Events | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Last night here at the Victory Church offices we had our first "D6" Sunday school teacher training seminar. I was very encouraged with the attendance and the training our Sunday school teachers received.
We are strengthening the discipleship ministry here at Victory Church through our Sunday school. Our goal for discipleship is to create an environment where families can talk about God's Word throughout the week. In other words, we are strategically building D6 families at Victory!
Watch the video below to get a better understanding of what D6 is all about.
Posted at 11:22 AM in D6 Bible Study, Discipleship, Free Will Baptist, Leadership, Victory Church News/Events | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
This is Tyler's first weekend at Free Will Baptist Bible College. We just got out of the Sunday morning worship service and decided to take a few pictures around the campus. We then went to lunch and afterward brought him back to the campus to say good-bye. Wow, that was hard!
Anyway, after touching base with him yesterday, he seems to have settled in well. Please keep him and his mother in your prayers!
Below are some pictures from the weekend.
Posted at 10:16 AM in Cannon Family, Current Events, Free Will Baptist | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Yesterday eas an exciting day for Tyler. He is pictured here moving into his dorm room at Free Will Baptist Bible College. You can tell from the smile on his face he is already enjoying his new found freedom. Do you know what he likes the best about his room? The air conditioner! His room has a great A/C and it is ice cold in there! He loves it.
Posted at 08:19 AM in Cannon Family, Current Events, Family, Free Will Baptist | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Wow! It's hard to believe that my son, Tyler, is 18 and going off to college this weekend. My, how quickly the years have passed! It seems like yesterday that Debbie and I were in the hospital room giving birth to Tyler, and I can remember laying back in a recliner with him lying on my chest. (Pause - while I brush away a tear!)
Well, this is one of the biggest weekends of our lives - our son moves out of our house and into his own dorm room at Free Will Baptist Bible College in Nashville, TN.
Congratulations Tyler! We are proud of you and we love you very much!
Posted at 09:35 AM in Cannon Family, Current Events, Free Will Baptist | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Most parents want to be involved in the spiritual development of their kids' lives. They just don’t know where to begin. Parents are involved in sports,
homework and hygiene, but many parents find it challenging to connect
with their children when it comes to their faith.
Unfortunately, many people rely on the pastor, Sunday school teacher, or youth pastor to be the primary spiritual influence for our kids. The problem is we only spend, at most, four hours a week at church. What about the other 164 hours?
D6 tells us this is the primary job and responsibility for dads and moms.
D6 stands for Deuteronomy 6:5-7 which commands dads and moms to take everyday opportunities to impress God’s Word upon the hearts of their children. D6 is foundational to raising spiritual champions for Christ.
At Victory Church we are intentionally in the process of equipping parents to be their kids spiritual leaders. Join us this Sunday at 9:30 to begin your D6 experience! Click here to visit the D6 website.
Posted at 01:00 PM in Devotions, Family, Free Will Baptist, Victory Church News/Events | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
A Splink is a SIMPLE way to LINK your family together spiritually.
It’s a FREE weekly email packed with ideas to help connect your family. Splinks are creative ways of interacting with your children with family devotional starters and ideas for family time. Splinks can also help you use teachable moments to pass along spiritual truths and life lessons while making memories or just having fun together. No matter where you are, it can always be time for a Splink!
Sign up now to have the weekly Splink emailed straight into your inbox. What are you waiting for? Get Splinking!
Posted at 12:51 PM in Devotions, Family, Free Will Baptist, Victory Church News/Events | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
At Victory Church we use the "CLEAR" curriculum published by Randall House. Our lesson Sunday was on the "Kingdom of God" from Luke 13:22-30.
Here is a quick overview of the lesson:
In the "application" portion of the lesson there was a list of "Seven Tests for Assurance of Salvation" from the book of First John. Listed below are the seven tests. Go ahead, examine yourself!
Review the questions on the assurance of salvation and rank yourself on each "test" on a scale of 1-10.
Posted at 08:48 AM in Devotions, Discipleship, Free Will Baptist, Victory Church News/Events | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I am very excited about the "D6 Family" curriculum provided by Randall House Publications.� Randall House is a Free Will Baptist publishing house and CEO Ron Hunter is doing a great job leading this organization into the 21st century.
We at Victory Church are implementing D6 into our discipleship ministry.� I am very excited about how this is going to assist in growing our families spiritually.
What exactly is D6?� Click here to learn more.
Posted at 03:35 PM in Discipleship, Free Will Baptist, Victory Church News/Events | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Dr. Bobby Welch, Founder of FAITH evangelism strategy, preached at our FWB National Convention - Pastors/Laypersons meeting.
Dr. Welch preached two sessions and both were very dynamic! He preached two messages on the reality of Hell and why we should be involved in evangelism.
I am pictured with him here between the two sermons. I was sitting on about the fifth row and immediately after Bro. Bobby's message, I jumped up on the platform and spoke with him. He gave me some encouraging words of advice.
Thanks Bro. Bobby for your passion for souls!
Posted at 04:07 PM in Evangelism, Free Will Baptist | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
While traveling to our Free Will Baptist National Convention in Charleston, WV., Debbie and I passed through Hunington which is the home of Marshall University.
You may have seen the movie "We Are Marshall" which was released in December 2006. The movie is a documentary of the tragic November 14, 1970 play crash of the Marshall football team, coaches, staff, and others.
Below are a few pictures of the memorial the university has made in remembrance of those who lost their lives. The fountain stops flowing every November 14th. Also, there is a memorial at the football stadium.
Posted at 03:31 PM in Cannon Family, Free Will Baptist | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Once again I met with our deacons and deacons-to-be here at Victory Church for another training session. Last night we unpacked how deacons can come along side me as pastor and minister to our congregation. Listed below are seven areas in which our deacons can minster to our people:
1. CALLING people on the phone.
Randomly calling active and inactive members, widows(ers) and homebound adults.
2. CARING for others.
There are several ways of caring for people: helping unemployed persons find jobs; assist in helping transients who need food, gas, or other help; be of help to single and senior adults who need car servicing or repair; give generously to our benevolent fund; etc.
3. ENCOURAGING people.
Assist people in finding the right support group or person who can come along side someone while going through particular situation. Connect people to financial training seminars, marriage retreats, etc.
4. MENTORING young men.
Bring someone along side of you and "mentor" them by teaching them everything you do. In our ministry here at Victory Church we call this the "apprenticeship principle." Everyone has an apprentice.
5. VISITING our people.
Make regular visits to our people to encourage, check in on to see if there are any needs, and then pray with them. Also, make visits to those in hospitals and a visit to our first time guests who attend our weekend services.
6. REFERRING our people to the right person or agency.
Helping our people who may be in distress or conflict find the right kind of help.
7. WRITING short notes to our people.
Make it a habit of writing short notes to people whenever they experience a birthday, anniversary, or a special honor or special promotion.
There are many ways "deacons" can serve a congregation. We had about a two hour discussion on "how" we can better serve our people - it was awesome! I am really looking forward to ordaining these men and presenting our deacons to our church.
Posted at 11:07 AM in Current Events, Discipleship, Free Will Baptist, Victory Church News/Events | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Last night we had our second training session for deacons to serve in the ministry of Victory Church. This training material is titled Deacons, Partners in Ministry and Growth by Dr. Jim Henry.
Last night's session was on the "qualifications" of deacons. We discussed the qualifications at church, home and in the community. Below is a general outline of our study.
1. CHURCH - (I Timothy 3:8-10)
a. Worthy of respect; a constant reflection of God working in his life.
b. Not double-tongued but sincere; not a gossip.
c. Not give to much wine. (At Victory Church be require our deacons to abstain from all alcohol.)
d. Not greedy of filthy lucre. Does not use the office of deacon for personal gain. Be generous in giving and tithing through the church.
e. Holding the mystery of faith in pure conscience.
f. Proved or tested.
g. Husband of one wife and rules his household well.
2. HOME - Characteristics of a Deacon's Wife
a. Not a snob but dignified.
b. Not a malicious talker but discreet.
c. Temperate or disciplined.
d. Trustworthy in everything or dedicated.
3. COMMUNITY - Acts 6:3 "A man of honest report."
a. "Report" means martyr or witness.
b. He has a believable Christian life; demonstrates integrity and honesty.
After the lesson we had great discussion on these qualifications. We also created some "hypothetical situations" and shared how we would handle each of them. All-in-all, it was a great evening. The Lord is building His church!
Posted at 01:55 PM in Current Events, Discipleship, Free Will Baptist, Victory Church News/Events | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 08:57 PM in Current Events, Discipleship, Free Will Baptist, Men's Ministry, Victory Church News/Events, Worship | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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