I just read a great article on "Action Steps" at www.the99percent.com website. As pastors, we need to bring this management tool into the DNA of our churches.
Action Steps are the most important components of any project. It's the oxygen for keeping projects alive.
The actual outcome of any idea is dependent on the Actions Steps that are captured and then completed by you or delegated to someone else. Action Steps are to be revered and treated as sacred in any project.
more clear and concrete an Action Step is, the less friction you will
trying to do it. If an Action Step is vague or complicated, you will
probably skip over it to others on your list that are more
avoid this, start each Action Step with a verb:
- Call programmer to discuss . . .
- Install new software for . . .
- Research the possibility of . . .
- Mock up a sample of the . . .
- Update XYZ document for . . .
Verbs help pull us into our Action Steps at first glance, efficiently indicating what type of action is required. For similar reasons, Action Steps should be kept short.
more clear and concrete an Action Step is,
the less friction you will encounter trying to do it!
To read the entire article on "Action Steps" visit www.the99percent.com.