What does it mean to set the Lord always before you?
It means that you choose to relate everything you encounter to your trust in God. What you choose to focus on becomes the dominant influence in your life. You may be a Christian, but if your focus is always on your problems, your problems will determine the direction of your life. If your focus is on people, then people will determine what you think and do.
In biblical times, the right hand was the most distinguished position, reserved for one's chief adviser and supporter. When you choose to focus on Christ, you invite Him to take the most important position in your life as Counselor and Defender.
Every time you face a new experience, you should turn to Christ for His interpretation and strength.
- When people insult you and mistreat you, you should seek direction from your Counselor regarding the right response.
- When you face a crisis, you should receive strength from the One at your right hand.
- When you experience need, you should consult your Counselor before you react.
- When you face a fearful situation, you should take courage from the Advocate at your right hand.
Everything you do is in the context of your relationship to Christ.
What an incredible act of God's grace that Christ should stand beside you to guide you and counsel you and defend you!
How could you ever become dismayed over your situation with Christ at your right hand? What confidence this should give you!