Steve Arterburn shares a great little devotion on "solving problems." I trust you will find this insightful and beneficial.
Life is an exercise in problem-solving. The question is not whether we will encounter problems; the real question is how we will choose to address them. When it comes to solving the problems of everyday living, we often know precisely what needs to be done, but we may be slow in doing it—especially if what needs to be done is difficult or uncomfortable for us. So we put off till tomorrow what should be done today.
The words of Psalm 34 remind us that the Lord solves problems for "people who do what is right." And usually, doing "what is right" means doing the uncomfortable work of confronting our problems sooner rather than later. So with no further ado, let the problem-solving begin . . . now.
"We are all faced with a series of great opportunities, brilliantly disguised as unsolvable problems. Unsolvable without God's wisdom, that is." -- Charles Swindoll
"You've got problems; I've got problems; all God's children have got problems. The question is how are you going to deal with them?" -- John Maxwell
"I choose joy. I will refuse the temptation to be cynical; cynicism is the tool of a lazyb thinker. I will refuse to see people as anything less than human beings, created by God. I will refuse to see any problem as anything less than an opportunity to see God." -- Max Lucado
"Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines." -- Robert Schuller
Today's Prayer
Lord, sometimes my problems are simply too big for me, but they are never too big for You. Let me turn my troubles over to You, Lord, and let me trust in Youtoday and for all eternity. Amen