Yesterday at Victory Church I shared with our congregation what must take place in order to begin building on our church property. Primarily there are two areas of focus:
1. Debt reduction on the 21 acres of land we recently purchased.
2. Average 300 in our weekend service through servant evangelism is the key.
To address the subject of debt reduction, I spoke from Exodus 35 and 35. What a great read for anyone going through a building project.
Moses ask the people, "whose hearts were willing" to bring an offering for the building of the Tabernacle. Everyone "whose hearts were willing" brought an offering. Some great, some small, but the key was everyone "whose heart was willing" brought something. Now, wouldn't you know it! There was a problem! What was the problem? The offering was too large! The people brought MORE THAN WAS NEEDED!
PRINCIPLE #1: When the hearts of the people are willing, there is always more than is needed for ministry.
Beginning next Sunday at Victory, we are having our weekly "Tabernacle Freewill Offering March." I have asked everyone to to sacrifice either a cup of coffee, a Diet Coke, a RC Cola and a moon pie, or whatever may cost you $2.oo! I am asking everyone to bring, at a minimum, $2.oo for our "Tabernacle Freewill Offering." This offering is to be above the tithe, and all of the Tabernacle Offering will go directly to the land debt!
Now, addressing the second area of focus: averaging 300 in our weekly worship service we are aggressively stepping out into our community to "SERVE." Mark 10:45 says that Jesus "...came to serve, not to be served..." We are relaunching our "Servant Evangelism" strategy. Every Wednesday evening at 6PM we are meeting at the church office. Everyone is to wear their Victory t-shirts and we are going out to wash windshields. We also have several nurses in our congregation, so we are planning a "Free Health Service" week. We also are going to business in our community and are going to offer free service for them. The exciting thing is that we are going to have opportunities to share Christ with those we are serving.
PRINCIPLE #2: You are never closed to the heart of our Lord than when you are meeting the physical needs of people!