After observing churches that have effectively used Sunday school in a strategic way, Ken Hemphill shares with us the top ten practices. Practice #1: "Commit to the Strategy!"
As pastors and church leaders, we must commit to Sunday school as the foundational strategy in our church for doing the work of the Great Commission.
Below are some suggestions:
- We must develop an annual plan that supports the church's thrust to lead people to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and build on-mission Christians.
- We must include as key elements of the plan ongoing and short-term open Bible study groups and additional Bible study events, such as Vacation Bible School, that focus on foundational evangelism and foundational discipleship.
- We must provide the best possible financial support to implement the strategic plans.
- We must implement the plan through specific monthly and weekly actions.
Feel free to leave any thoughts or comments on this subject; and be sure to check back soon as I post the remaining nine practices.