Here are several "zingers" about the Bible that I thought you may enjoy! Let these soak in.
- Not all biblical promises carry an unconditional guarantee.
- God's Word is like a highway sign. You don't have to pay any attention to it if you don't care what happens to you.
- The value of the Bible is not knowing it, but obeying it.
- Love for the Author of the Bible is the best preparation for the Bible.
- Knowing the Scripture is one thing; knowing the Author is another.
- When you study the Scriptures "hit or miss," you're likely to miss more than you hit.
- A Bible in hand is worth two on the shelf.
- Keep your Bible open and you will not find the door to heaven closed.
- The Bible is a telescope; it is not to look at, but to look through.
- It is good to mark your Bible, but it is better to let your Bible mark you.
- Knowing the Bible is of little benefit unless you practice it.
- Should all the people dust off their Bibles, we would have one of the greatest dust storms of all time.
- The best way for Christians to grow is to eat the Bread of Life.
- Because there is dust on your Bible does not mean it is dry.
- To master the Bible, the Bible must master you.Knowing the living Word is the key to understanding the written Word.
- The Bible should more than inform us—it should transform us.
- The Bible is not only the world's best-seller—it's man's best buy.
- The Bible was not written to teach science, but the Bible is scientifically correct.
- The Bible is the only book whose Author is always present when it is read.
- Carrying your Bible will never take the place of reading it.The Bible doesn't need to be rewritten—just reread.
- Don't criticize the Bible—let it criticize you!Trying to do away with the truth of the Bible is like trying to mop the ocean dry with a sponge.
- Too many study their neighbor's faults more closely than their Bible.
- The devil is not afraid of a dust-covered Bible.
- Some people have memorized the Scriptures without practicing them.A Bible that has frayed edges usually has an owner that doesn't.The best thing to do with the Bible is to know it in the head, stow it in the heart, sow it in the world, and show it in the life.