Here are the results from the April Bible Knowledge Survey given at Victory a few weeks ago. (I am giving a survey the first Sunday of each month to the congregation at Victory Church.
Many are taking the survey here on this blog and emailing me the
answers. We included those who took the survey online in with the
final results.)
1. According to Jesus, what causes the angels to rejoice? Actually, the scripture does not say that "angels" rejoice. It says there is rejoicing "in the presence" of the angels when one sinner repents. (Luke 15:10)
2. By what other name was the tax collector Matthew called? Levi (Luke 5:29-32)
3. What apostle was exiled to Patmos? John (Revelation 1:9)
4. Who fooled Jacob by posing as her sister? Leah (Gen. 29:21-25)
5. Who posed as her husband's sister while in Egypt. Sara, wife of Abram (Gen. 12:10-20)
6. Who is the father of lies? Satan (John 8:44)
7. Who posed as Isaac's sister? His wife Rebekah (Gen. 26:6-11)
8. Who slew a thousand men with the jawbone of an ass? Samson (Judges 15:15)
9. What did Joseph accuse his brothers of stealing? His silver cup (Gen. 44:1-7)
10. Who saw a heavenly ladder with the Lord standing above it? Jacob (Gen. 28:12-13)
11. What did the hungry Esau give up to Jacob in exchange for food? His birthright (Gen. 25:29-34)
12. What king served as judge when two women fought over a child? Solomon (I Kings 3:16)
13. What saintly deacon was murdered (stoned) by the Jewish elders for his testimony? Stephen (Acts 7:58-59)
14. What smooth-skinned man disguised himself so well that he passed himself off as his hairy brother? Jacob (Gen. 27:1-29)
15. Who had one of his army men killed in order to cover up an adulterous affair? David (2 Samuel 12:9)
16. Who suggested to Moses that he appoint judges so that he would not have to judge all cases himself? His father-in-law, Jethro (Exodus 18)
17. What king was constantly making oaths of love and loyalty to David, while frequently trying to kill him? Saul (I Samuel 17-19)
18. What child, who later ministered with the priest Eli, was ordained before birth to serve God? Samuel (I Sam. 1:11-20)
19. What Psalm, usually assumed to have been written by David, talks about God knowing him before his birth? Psalm 139
20. At the end time, what will an angel bind Satan with? A chain (Rev. 20:2)