Easter Sunday at Victory Church was an awesome experience for me, and according to the feedback I'm getting, many were moved by the presence of the Lord in that service. (To view my message outline click here.) The message will be posted on the Victory Podcast this week for you to listen to or download and share with friends.
Here is a quick "bullet list" of what I witnessed Sunday:
- The Mascoutah Middle School gym was packed!
- The decorations were beautiful!
- The fellowship was lovely!
- The excitement was extremely elevated!
- The presence of the Lord was unbelievable!
- The videos were right on the mark!
- The worship band/team did an outstanding job!
- The congregation connecting in worship to our Risen Lord was breath-taking!
- The invitation was precious and sweet as many made decisions for Christ! (I will know exactly who and how many when I return to the office Tuesday.)
- Oh yea, I almost forgot, everyone looked absolutely fantastic sporting their new Easter duds! :)
Thanks to all those who prayed for our Easter service at Victory, for those who "invested and invited" their friends, co-workers and family, and to all who worked so very hard to prepare for this day! Heaven was paying attention and you will be rewarded.
How were your services on Easter Sunday? Let me hear from you! :)