John Maxwell is America's and the church's greatest teacher on the subject of leadership. Listen to what he has to say about leadership:
A gentle leaf drifts slowly to the waters surface - it gracefully steps on the tranquil pond and as if timed by a masterful conductor, ripples radiate from the leaf across the water. Such a gentle touch - but noticeable, felt results. A leader's touch - no matter how small - yields the same effect. Like falling dominoes, the effect of a leader's influence creates a chain reaction which reverberates throughout an organization.
John Maxwell dissects what is being called The Leadership Effect in the new conference of the same name. John recognizes leadership is relationally driven and small changes in leadership practices pay off in enormous dividends.
During The Leadership Effect conference, John will educate leaders on the R.E.A.L model of leadership. As a leader your mastery in the four key areas is essential:
- Relationships - Connecting and recognizing the inner wealth of others
- Equipping - Passing along knowledge and skills to the next generation of leaders
- Attitude - Generate a positive and realistic outlook that stimulates your team
- Leadership - Binds everything together, anticipates needs, and mentors others
Be sure to stop by and check out the self-evaluation quiz called R.E.A.L. - How to be a Real Success. Just answer 20 short questions; it will evaluate your strengths and weaknesses concerning R.E.A.L.
One final question, "Are you planning on attending the R.E.A.L. Leadership Effect conference?"