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August 23, 2006


Jason Taylor

I am really sorry to hear about that. I will be praying for your leadership team and you as you move to plan B. I was really hoping to see how the Sprung structure worked out for you guys. Let me know how I can pray for you all.

Jon Cannon

Thanks Jason for your prayers. We know we have to do something because we cannot continue in our current facility...there's just not enough room. Thanks again!

Jerry Davis

Pastor Jon,

Have you ever thought about running for political office? Maybe Mayor?
You are doing amazing things in Mascoutah brother the proof is in the growth of your church. God is with you and with Victory, He will guide you and He will provide.
As always, you and your church are in my prayers.
Your Brother Always, Jerry


Hi Jerry,

It's good to hear from you! How's Hawaii? Wait, I already know the answer...it's great! Thanks for your comments and no, I have not thought of running for mayor...hmmm?...now you've got me to thinking! haha. Seriously, the Lord is blessing and I know He has a plan. The suspense is killing me! Thanks Jerry for your prayers.


Jerry Davis

"Mayor Cannon", has a nice ring to it. You should think about it or a least a seat on the city counsel. Counselman Jon Cannon, hmmmm?

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