My greatest joy in life is being a dad. Pictured on the left is my son Tyler (16) and my daughter Kristen (13). I love being their dad and I find great joy in just watching them live life and develop into young adults.
But, just yesterday I was reading several chapters in Scripture from the book of Numbers, when I ran across this verse in chapter 14, verse 33: "Your children will be shepherds here (in the wilderness) for forty years, suffering for your unfaithfulness." Wow! Did you hear what the Lord said to the parents of Israel, "Because you were unfaithful to Me, your children will suffer for forty (40) years!" I immediately started looking at my life and questioning my faithfulness to our God. I do not want my children to suffer and not enjoy the best that our Lord has for their lives because I have been unfaithful.
Parents, are you faithful to the Lord? If not, your children may suffer the consequences. What a responsibility we have as Christian parents.