I get asked this question a lot, "How do I study the Bible?" Below is a good little outline to use as you study. Try it out and let me know what you think!
I. Observe: "What do I see?"
A. Read the passage with care
1. Read repeatedly
2. Read thoughtfully
3. Read patiently
B. Record initial impressions
C. Record major facts
1. Who?
2. What?
3. When?
4. Where?
II. Interpret: "What does it mean?"
A. Some principles of interpretation:
1. Let scripture interpret scripture
2. Interpret the Bible literally
3. Interpret the Bible grammatically
4. Interpret within the historical setting
B. Why was it originally written?
1. The reader’s needs
2. The writers message
III. Apply: "How should I respond?"
A. Know yourself
1. Be honest
I know that I struggle with…
I have gone through this in my past…
B. Relate the passage to life
1. Write brief statements of universal truth that apply to you.
2. Determine if the principle is timeless and universal