Chapter 1: You Say You Want a Revolution?
I love how the book begins, "It is coming...a movement of God. Some even call it a revolution." After reading this chapter and studying the multi-site movement for about 2 years now, it really does seem like God is up to something. Maybe, just maybe, we are the ones now who are lining up with God's plan for His church.
Below are some excerpts from this amazing book. I trust it stirs your heart and that you will purchase a copy for yourself and your entire leadership team and join in on the revolution!
Anyhow, churches with 20, 200, 2,000, and 20,000 attendees are experimenting with the "one church in many locations" idea, (pg. 19). Life Church in Oklahoma City and Chartwell Baptist Church in Oakwood, Ontario are examples of how most churches that use the multi-site approach evolve into it, rather than starting it. Multi-site could be another location across town, in another state, or even around the world.
Peter Roebbelen, using a study grant from Louisville Institute, has researched the development of the multi-site movement and has visited a number of different locations. His analysis? "I think this is a true movement, a true new work because it's popping up in independent situations all over the place at about the same time, literally around the world."
Here are some more interesting facts:
- Among the ten (10) fastest-growing churches in the United States, 70% use multiple venues or multiple campuses.
- Likewise, among the ten (10) largest churches in the United States, 90% use multiple venues or multiple campuses.
Although the mega-churches are still going strong, the bigger trend is toward smaller auditoriums. Sociologist Scott Thumma says, "Many of the very large mega-churches are beginning to spin off satellite or branch campuses around the city or area as a way to reach their diverse populations but also so they don't have to continue to invest in larger and larger buildings."
Here is a very good point: "The multi-site movement is not a growth strategy by itself." The key to understanding the multi-site movement is to remember that fulfilling the Great Commission drives these congregations, not a growth strategy. In short, multi-site is a means to an end, not an end goal in itself.
Here is a staggering fact: the actual number of unchurched adults has already doubled in the last fifteen (15) years, currently numbering at 75 million! The net result is that despite the sincere prayers and efforts of thousands of pastors and leaders across the country, current models of church growth are not working well enough. We must continually find new ways to bridge that gap.
The new multi-site approach, from all early indications, is beginning to do just that. Thom Rainer, a prominent consultant and church researcher said, "Early indications show that multi-site churches are more evangelistic than those with one site." A survey conducted in 2005 found that churches have a greater evangelistic impact when they become multi-site. Another interesting study revealed that many people who are wary of "established religion" are willing to come back to these churches in one of their multi-site expressions.
Churches are discovering the power of multiplication as they begin to grow beyond the four walls of the box they built. Moving beyond the traditional outreach and discipleship model of multiple services and larger buildings, they are embracing the concept of "one church with many congregations." And the revolution is just beginning!
Imagine the impact of thousands of people in your town committing their lives to Christ for the first time. Imagine churches in your community whose attendance has plateaued or is in decline finding new life as they partner with growing churches to reach the lost. Imagine the impact as the revolution crosses cultural and international boundaries to reach people who have never been exposed to the good news of the gospel.
The reasons for choosing multi-site are varied, but the ultimate goal is to fulfill the great commission and, as Rick Warren put it, "Reach one more for Jesus!"
Be sure to check back often as I will be posting something for each chapter. Also, feel free to add any comments and possibly we can get a great discussion started.